Microsoft’s AZ-900 exam checks a candidate’s foundational knowledge in cloud computing and Azure services. It is meant for people new to this field, so even if you are not from a computer science background you should be able to clear it. This certification is a great way to prove your knowledge and zeal to learn.

I recently went through the process of preparing for this exam and subsequently cleared it.

As a beginner, I took enough time to be well-versed with the subject matter and have hands-on knowledge so that I am actually able to perform those tasks when the time comes. I would advice the same to you. If you spend ample time with each topic, it will serve as a good foundation when you pursue Azure’s associate/expert certifications.

Here are a few insights from my experience.

1. The Syllabus

You are probably here after looking at it. If not, you have to know what you are up against, might as well do it now. View the syllabus here

2. Catch-up on those terminologies

Knowing the technical jargon will you help you fully comprehend the questions in the exam. One has to be familiar with concepts that are at the heart of cloud computing, such as Virtualization , Virtual Networks, Subnets, Load Balancers and others mentioned in the syllabus.

Some questions appearing in the test seem confusing simply because we are unaware of certain words. If you are a novice in the software engineering world, you will face this a lot during the exam. Here are some of the words you should know the meaning of: IP address, ports, servers, API, containers, orchestration tools, Gateway, serverless computing and workflows. Understanding these keywords will help you connect the dots when reading the questions.

3. Them Security Features

This is one of the sections you have to be careful about. Answers often depend on the Azure services being discussed. Although the number of questions from this section has been reduced, they may become part of questions of other sections.

Read-up on Network Security Groups (NSG), Firewalls and Web Application Firewalls, how are they different from each other. A pictorial representation of a network architecture will be helpful here. Know about encryption (at rest and in transit) and how it is built-in to Azure services like VPN gateway and application gateway.

4. Load Balancers Vs Traffic Managers

Some questions will try to confuse you with them. Make sure you know one from another.

5. Active Directory

This is one of the important services offered by Microsoft, make sure you are thorough with them. Know about on-premise AD forests and how they can be connected to the Azure AD (AD Connect), Azure AD subscription plans, conditional access and Application Proxy.

One of the best websites to learn about the aforementioned topics is and Microsoft’s blog on Azure