The dataset for the Indian YouTube trending page is not proper to perform insightful analysis. So, I created a ETL pipeline to clean-up the dataset and make it easier to perform analysis. This post is all about how I created this pipeline using PySpark on the Databricks platform.


For the uninitiated,

YouTube (the world-famous video sharing website) maintains a list of the top trending videos on the platform. According to Variety magazine, “To determine the year’s top-trending videos, YouTube uses a combination of factors including measuring users interactions (number of views, shares, comments and likes). Note that they’re not the most-viewed videos overall for the calendar year”. Top performers on the YouTube trending list are music videos (such as the famously virile “Gangam Style”), celebrity and/or reality TV performances, and the random dude-with-a-camera viral videos that YouTube is well-known for.

This dataset is a daily record of the top trending YouTube videos.


There is data on 10 countries but our dataset of interest is for India.

You can view my notebook here or by visiting my GitHub repo.

Problems with the dataset

  • The file provided is csv, hence there is no defined schema. This makes it difficult to extract any information using built-in functions specific to certain datatypes right-away. There are columns which consist of date and time. They can be easily analyzed if the schema is corrected/defined.
  • There are rows that stretch multiple lines. They maybe interpreted as separate rows by spark if not corrected and can lead to incorrect row/column values.
  • Another disadvantage of a csv file is that they are slow to parse with Spark. They are not able to take advantage of Spark’s predicate pushdown, which help with performance improvements.
  • There are rows of data present for video which have been removed by YouTube or have some kind of error. Such data can influence insights and can result to false positives.

The Solution

The answer is simple, to create a ingestion data pipeline that extracts, transforms and loads the data into a more robust format.

I used PySpark on the Databricks platform and wrote the cleaned data-frame to parquet.

The Procedure

  • To ingest the data into databricks, I used the kaggle CLI. I installed it in the environment but to use it, I needed to export my token key and username which would inherently expose my credentials. To conceal it from the viewers, I used widgets that allow us to add parameters to a notebook. This way, anybody using my notebook can run it by entering their own token and username. You can refer the kaggle API documentation to learn about the various commands and how to install it.

  • Then I defined the schema according to the nature of the columns and read the file into a dataframe.

    The date format for the trending_date column is yy.dd.MM and the timestamp format for the publish_time column is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. This cannot be specified in the schema. To capture this format, I specified the dateFormat and the timestampFormat options while reading the file to a dataframe. To know more about these options click on the link.

    I specified the multiLine options as well to convey to Spark that some rows stretch multiple lines and to not parse such records as separate rows.

  • After importing the data, I performed the relevant transformations.

    I removed the rows which had video_error_or_removed column set to True. Value set to true for this column points out that the video has some technical error or it has been removed and hence, cannot be played.

    I even removed the rows which had video_id column set to #NAME?. Such values also indicate that the video has been removed by YouTube and hence they have not been assigned a id.

    Such records may introduce biases to our analyses and can result to false positives. I have done my best to find such noise in the data and remove them.

  • The string datatype for the tags column is not helpful when trying to analyze tags from all the videos. So I added another column which has all of the video’s tags in the form of a list. This helps in better analysis.

  • I wrote the dataframe to parquet and stored it in dbfs:/FileStore folder. To know more about FileStore, visit this link. The parquet file can be downloaded from this link.